Have you spotted any frogs lately?

Pic by Tristram Whyte - courtesty of The Irish Peatland Conservation CouncilPic by Tristram Whyte - courtesty of The Irish Peatland Conservation Council
Pic by Tristram Whyte - courtesty of The Irish Peatland Conservation Council | Other 3rd Party
The Irish Peatland Conservation Council (IPCC) is calling on people in Balymena and Antrim to ‘Hop To It’ in 2020.

They are asking residents to become a citizen scientists, helping to protect and monitor the important wetland amphibian - the frog - in their community.

The all Ireland Hop To It Frog Survey was first launched in 1997 by the IPCC and was a huge success with records obtained from all over Ireland.

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To date, over 5,400 frog records have been databased by the IPCC for researchers and conservationists to use.

The Common Frog (Rana temporaria) is the only species of frog found on the island of Ireland and is listed as an internationally important species. Frogs are protected under the European Union Habitats Directive and by the Irish Wildlife Act. Hence, why IPCC continue to monitor this animal throughout Ireland.

In the last 10 years, IPCC have received only three records from Antrim.

This survey asks members of the public to watch for the various stages of the frogs lifecycle in their gardens and wider local community. If you have seen or find frog spawn, tadpoles, leggy tadpoles, froglets or adult frogs IPCC are encouraging you to take part by visiting the website at www.ipcc.ie and submit your frog record online by following the link. If you would like further information why not contact the IPCC at [email protected]


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