Police warning on caravan sites

PSNI appeal.PSNI appeal.
PSNI appeal. | jpimedia
Police have warned that they will close caravan sites if residents are found to be staying there in breach of Covid-19 guidelines.

The PSNI said it had received a small number of complaints about caravan parks in Northern Ireland.

A statement said: “We are aware of concerns within the local community about residents at local caravan parks. Rest assured that we have been liaising with the caravan parks and have engaged with the small number of people who are staying there to ensure they are there for valid purposes and their stay is within the NI Executive regulations.

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“Where a site is found to be breaching the regulations, police will in the first instance ask the business owner to close. There is, however, a power for police and any person designated by DOH to issue a prohibition notice requiring the person to cease trading and if they do not do so, they may be issued with a penalty notice, incorporating a fine. We all have our part to play in supporting each other through COVID-19. We will continue to conduct patrols and vehicle checkpoints and engage with the public to ensure that everyone understands and is adhering to the direction from our government.

“For the small numbers of people who are continuing to ignore the restrictions it is inevitable that we will have to move to enforcement through the issue of penalty notices.

“If you have information or concerns that Covid19 regulations are not being adhered to you can make an online report at www.psni.pnn.police.uk/covid19 and we will take appropriate action.”