Caught for standing beside car while over the limit

Court gavelCourt gavel
Court gavel
When police saw two men standing beside a car one of them admitted he owned the vehicle and he had been having a drink.

Adrian Stankiewicz (26), Bluestone Hall, Craigavon, pleaded guilty to being drunk in charge of a car when he appeared last Friday at the local magistrates’ court.

He was fined £300, ordered to pay a £15 offender’s levy and banned from driving for two months.

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The court heard that on September 24 this year at 9.45pm police on duty in Craigavon saw two men standing beside a car.

When asked what they were doing the defendant said they were having a drink and that he owned the vehicle.

There was music coming from the vehicle and Stankiewicz was asked if he had any identification.

He walked around to the driver’s door and when he opened it police noticed that the key was in the ignition. An evidential breath test gave a reading of 77.

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A solicitor representing the defendant said the key was turned in the ignition allowing the music to play.

He added that his client lived very close by and was having a drink with a friend, intending to walk home.

Imposing the ban District Judge Peter King said the breath reading was more than twice the legal limit.

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