Pressure on victims’ commissioner grows as terrorist pension fears rise

IRA bomb survivor Andrea Brown with a photo of her father Eric, who was murdered by the same groupIRA bomb survivor Andrea Brown with a photo of her father Eric, who was murdered by the same group
IRA bomb survivor Andrea Brown with a photo of her father Eric, who was murdered by the same group
A woman who lost her father and the use of her legs due to IRA terrorism has added her voice to those calling on Victims’ Commissioner Judith Thompson to resign.

In Monday’s News Letter, 14 bodies representing up to 10,000 people called on Ms Thompson to resign. They said her support for current legislation, which allows both perpetrators and their victims to qualify as victims, are at odds with the majority of Troubles victims.

Now Andrea Brown from Moira has added her voice to those calling on Ms Thompson to go. Her father, RUC Sgt Eric Brown, was murdered by the IRA in 1983 when she was 12. She also suffered severe injuries from the IRA Lisburn Fun Run bomb five years later.