Drumahoe 'Irish school' opposed

A WAR of words has broken out over a Sinn Féin proposal to site an Irish language school on the former Faughan Valley School grounds in Drumahoe.

DUP MLA Gregory Campbell has lashed out at Sinn Fin's Raymond McCartney after he tabled a question for a written answer on February 11.

The question, levied at Minister for Education, Catriona Ruane, asked if "she would consider the former Faughan Valley High School site, Derry, as a location for a Meanscoil (Irish language secondary school)".

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A defiant Mr Campbell told the Sentinel: "There are two issues arising from this question. The first is that it appears in some instances there is threat of closure to Irish language schools because of the lack of those interested in such a school, yet he seems to want another one opened.

"The second matter is that Mr McCartney also doesn't understand what the local response would be, if there were an approach to the Orange Order to see if a suitable site becoming available in Londonderry's Creggan estate, would they be interested in providing a boost to cultural education in that area?

"It seems that, in the words of an alcoholic beverage company's advert, Sinn Fin don't do irony....but if they did?"

However, Sinn Fin's Raymond McCartney hit back and said he could explain his rationale for posing the Assembly question to Minister Ruane.

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