MP supports Access All Areas campaign for guide dog owners

East Londonderry MP Gregory Campbell met with guide dog owners at Westminster. INLS 48-705-CONEast Londonderry MP Gregory Campbell met with guide dog owners at Westminster. INLS 48-705-CON
East Londonderry MP Gregory Campbell met with guide dog owners at Westminster. INLS 48-705-CON
East Londonderry MP Gregory Campbell has pledged his backing at Westminster for Access all Areas for guide dogs.

The DUP representative met with owners and assistant owners to show his support for the Guide Dogs Association for the Blind campaign.

Mr Campbell said: “Research has indicated that almost half of guide dog owners surveyed have experienced an access refusal in the last year.

“I am supporting the campaign so that guide dog owners and assistant dog owners can access taxis, shops and restaurants in line with their legal rights.”

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