Unions urge Antrim and Newtownabbey Council rethink over jobs furlough plan

Mossley Mill.Mossley Mill.
Mossley Mill. | Johnston Press
Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council has been urged to rethink plans to furlough 375 workers.

The decision to furlough staff and agency workers has been roundly condemned by trade unions NIPSA, GMB and Unite.

The scheme will affect  205 staff and 170 casual workers.

The council is bracing itself for £7.6m less income  than expected as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.

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Alan Perry, of GMB, described the local authority’s decision as “truly appalling”.

He said: “This is a totally appalling act by the councillors of Antrim and Newtownabbey Council to cut the pay of staff.

“A number of employees who are affected will be some of the lowest paid within the organisation and the financial implications this may have on them is very concerning.

“We call upon the council to engage in meaningful negotiations with the recognised trade unions to look at ways to mitigate any losses to staff.

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“We also call on the councillors and senior management of ANBC to share the financial burden and not to unload it onto the lowest paid employees.”

The majority of staff affected work in leisure services and arts and culture.

Antrim and Newtownabbey employs 670 staff and 567 casual workers

Natalie Shiel, of Nipsa, stated: “It has not been explained to trade unions why ANBC are not in the financial position to avoid a detriment in pay in line with other councils.

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“The council will only be required to pay one fifth of furloughed staff pay. It is clear that not enough cost saving measures have been considered before asking dedicated lower paid workers to sacrifice 20 per cent of their wage.”

Unite regional officer Kieran Ellison commented: “The approach taken by Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council in opting to cut the pay of some of their lowest paid employees has left many workers upset and dismayed.

“The way that this decision has been announced has left very little time for employees affected to consult their respective trade unions on the many questions they have.

“Morale within the workforce is dissipating rapidly and workers are asking themselves why they are expected to sacrifice.

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“I urge our members working for the council to contact Unite quickly ahead of the imposed deadline to discuss their options.”

The council is bracing itself for £7.6m less income  than expected to be generated through the rates as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Antrim and Newtownabbey says that the number of employees to be furloughed will be reviewed every three weeks and staff will be redeployed where possible.

Michelle Weir, Local Democracy Reporter


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