DUP man resigns from Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council

Dean McCullough.Dean McCullough.
Dean McCullough. | Other 3rd Party
North Belfast DUP representative, Dean McCullough, has resigned his seat in the Macedon DEA of Newtownabbey with “immediate effect.”

Mr McCullough, who was elected to the local authority in the 2019 Local Government Election, has been co-opted onto Belfast City Council, filling the Castle DEA seat vacated by Guy Spence.

Thanking the voters who backed him last May, Mr McCullough said: “It is with some regret that I have resigned from Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council with immediate effect. I want to thank all those who trusted in me in Macedon DEA and those I worked with thus far.

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“I thank God for the honour it is for me to now represent the area in which I was born and bred; Castle DEA. I will fight for you on Belfast City Council!”

Confirming Mr McCullough has resigned from Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council, a spokesperson for the local authority said: “The council has received notice of resignation from Cllr McCullough. The council have notified the Chief Electoral Officer of the vacancy, who will request a name to fill the seat from the resigning councillor’s party within 28 days, otherwise the position would be filled by way of a by-election.”

Praising Mr McCullough for his service to the people of Macedon, Antrim and Newtownabbey DUP group leader, Ald Phillip Brett said: “Dean has been a strong and effective voice for the people of Macedon. His enthusiasm, dedication and hard work as part of the wider DUP team in the area was well recognised.

“We wish him well in his role and thank him for his service.

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“The party will now begin the process of selecting his replacement with Paula Bradley MLA, Cllr Hamill and Cllr Robinson continuing to provide a first class service to the people of Macedon.”

Congratulating Mr McCullough on his selection, North Belfast DUP MLA, William Humphrey, said: “Can I take this opportunity to welcome my friend and party colleague Dean McCullough, as the Democratic Unionist Party’s new councillor for the Castle DEA, joining Cllr Fred Cobain at City Hall.

“Dean was born and raised in the area and I’ve no doubt he will be a great addition to our north Belfast team.

“I wish Dean well and look forward to working with him in his new role.”


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