Classic James Stewart film 'Harvey' to be screened by North Coast Association in February

Flowerfield Arts Centre will be the venue for North Coast Association's Classic Film Night.  Credit NI WorldFlowerfield Arts Centre will be the venue for North Coast Association's Classic Film Night.  Credit NI World
Flowerfield Arts Centre will be the venue for North Coast Association's Classic Film Night. Credit NI World
North Coast Association will hold a Classic Film night - open to everyone - taking place at Flowerfield Arts Centre, Portstewart, on February 15.

The event begins at 6pm, in the Arts Centre, with a finger buffet in which a selection of wines and soft drinks will also be served. The movie screening of the 1950 American comedy-drama ‘Harvey; will take place immediately afterwards.

Harvey is directed by Henry Koster and stars James Stewart and Josephine Hull. The story centres on Elwood P. Dowd (James Stewart), who is a wealthy drunk and who starts having visions of a giant rabbit named Harvey. Elwood lives with his sister Veta (Josephine Hull) and her daughter (Victoria Horne), and Veta worries that Elwood has gone insane.

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In the process of trying to have him committed, Veta admits that she occasionally sees Harvey herself. The director of the mental institution, Dr. Chumley (Cecil Kellaway), tries to reconcile his duty to help Elwood with his own, growing experiences with Harvey the rabbit.

Harvey is a feelgood, family movie with a tightly written and very funny script - with perfect casting of the actors. It's not a film which appears very often on television and so this may be the first opportunity for many to experience just how good a movie it is.

Tickets priced at £30 each (just £25 for members of North Coast Association) are available by post from the organiser: Charlotte Hobson, 38, Liffock Avenue, Castlerock, BT51 4DF. Cheques, made payable to North Coast Association, should please be mailed directly to Charlotte, enclosing a self-stamped/addressed envelope for the tickets to be posted back.