The benefits of shopping locally for your city

Several studies have shown that when you buy from an independent, locally owned business, rather than a nationally owned businesses, significantly more of your money is used to make purchases from other local businesses, service providers and farms -- continuing to strengthen the economic base of the community.

these include case studies showing that locally-owned businesses generate a premium in enhanced economic impact to the community and our tax base Where we shop, where we eat and have fun -- all of it makes our community home. Our one-of-a-kind businesses are an integral part of the distinctive character of this place. Our tourism businesses also benefit.

Locally owned businesses can make more local purchases requiring less transportation and generally set up shop in town or city centers as opposed to developing on the fringe.

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This generally means contributing less to sprawl, congestion, habitat loss and pollution.

Local businesses often hire people with a better understanding of the products they are selling and take more time to get to know customers.