At A Level, the overall pass rate was 100% of pupils achieving three or more grades A* to E and 81% of all pupils attaining 3 A*-C grades, with 93% of all grades being A*-C or equivalent.
Significantly, students in subject areas including Art & Design, Chemistry, English Literature, Double and Single Award Health & Social Care, History, Moving Image Arts, Mathematics, Performing Arts, Portuguese, Religious Studies, Business and Sports Studies achieved 100% A*-C grades.
Amongst the top achieving pupils at A Level are Emilio Caggiano who was awarded two A grades and a B, going on to study Animation at Ulster University. Courtney Heaney, receiving two A grades and a B and will begin studying Biological Sciences at Queen’s University. Katie Hanna achieving two A grades and a B, studying Criminology and Jacob McKee achieving an A*, A and C grade with plans to study Health and Social Care at Ulster University.
As in other years most of our pupils have secured a place at their chosen University and will study a wide range of disciplines such as Teaching, Applied Biomedical Science, Criminology, Drama, Nursing and Marketing as well as availing of opportunities in apprenticeships.
At AS Level, 81% of entries were grades A-C, with the following pupils achieving excellent outcomes in their chosen courses, Olivia Eastwood, Kate Johnston, Jessica Simpson, Ruby Stanley and Jake Green.
Mrs Brigid Heron, Principal of Sperrin College, commented on the outstanding success of Sperrin students stating: “Studying at A Level is extremely demanding, and I would like to congratulate both the Year 13 and 14
students on achieving wonderful results. Their success is testament to their hard work and dedication.”
She continued: “On behalf of the Senior Leadership Team and all the staff we wish all of them continued success in the next phase of their lives and we hope that they truly live out our school ethos of ‘Pursing
Excellence Together.’
Mrs. Heron commented on the exceptional support given to these young people by the school and their parents, stating: “It is very important to acknowledge the huge amount of support and expertise given to all our students from our dedicated staff, both teaching and non-teaching who inspire them to fulfil their potential.”
In addition, the Principal also thanked the Parents and families for their support given to the students throughout their seven years at Sperrin College, not least during these past few years.

1. Outstanding results
Ruby Stanley, Jessica Simpson and Olivia Eastwood, top achieving AS Students at Sperrin Integrated College. Photo: Supplied

2. Outstanding results
A delighted A-Level student at Sperrin Integrated College. Photo: Supplied

3. Outstanding results
Students from Sperrin Integrated College, when they received their A-Level results last Thursday. Photo: Supplied

4. Outstanding results
A-Level students from Sperrin Integrated College. Photo: Supplied