Grand Master presenting a certificate to Wor Bro David Keers Worshipful Master LOL 431Grand Master presenting a certificate to Wor Bro David Keers Worshipful Master LOL 431
Grand Master presenting a certificate to Wor Bro David Keers Worshipful Master LOL 431

In pictures: Event held to mark renovation of Ballyrashane War Memorial Orange Hall

An event was held in Ballyrashane War Memorial Orange Hall recently to thank those who helped in an ongoing renovation project there.

The event was hosted by Ballyrashane LOL 431, who were joined by Ballyrashane Protestant Flute Band, Coleraine WLOL 78, County Londonderry Grand Orange Lodge Officers and Most Worshipful Bro Edward Stevenson, Grand Master of the Grand Orange Lodge of Ireland, together with friends and family.

To mark Orange Victims Day, Wor. Bro James Evans Deputy County Grand Master, led those assembled in a two minutes silence to remember all those from the Orange Institution who had lost their lives in the Troubles in Northern Ireland. The Worshipful Master of LOL 431, Wor. Bro David Keers, then welcomed all to the hall, thanking all of those from within the Lodge and outside who had given of time or made any effort to assist the brethren of LOL 431 during this large scale renovation.

Special thanks were given to Wor. Bro William Bradley, Worshipful Master of Blaugh LOL 256, Wor. Bro Philip Anderson P.M. of LOL 735, Bro Derek Irwin of Aghanloo LOL 656 Limavady District no. 6, Mrs Linda O’Reilly and Mrs Kirsty Keers.

Wor. Bro Samuel Calvin, County Grand Master of County Londonderry, then gave thanks to the Officers and Members of LOL 431 for the kind invitation and remarked at how their hall was a credit to the Lodge, to the County Grand Lodge and to the townland to which they belong.

Wor Bro Edward Stevenson brought fraternal greetings from The Grand Orange Lodge of Ireland, he thanked the Worshipful Master for the invitation and remarked how well the hall was looking, a credit to the institution.

Wor Bro William McClements, Past Master LOL 431, then presented the Grand Master with a small token to show appreciation of his attendance, the Band Master of Ballyrashane Protestant Flute Band, Bro David Duff then did likewise, and thanked the Grand Master for his attendance. At the close of the evening, those gathered were entertained by Ballyrashane band before supper was served.

The War Memorial Orange Hall in Ballyrashane has been undergoing renovation works since 2018, and with the replacement floor completed, is now nearing the end of that renovation schedule. The scheme of works has included new kitchen facilities, new disabled access toilets and new doors and windows. The hall is home to Ballyrashane LOL 431, Ballyrashane Protestant Flute Band, Coleraine WLOL 78 and a dog training group and also hosts range of events from breakfast mornings to concerts. The hall is available for use and a warm welcome can be assured.

Special thanks were given to Wor. Bro William Bradley, Worshipful Master of Blaugh LOL 256, Wor. Bro Philip Anderson P.M. of LOL 735, Bro Derek Irwin of Aghanloo LOL 656 Limavady District no. 6, Mrs Linda O’Reilly and Mrs Kirsty Keers.