Jean Robinson (lady capatin) pictured with Gillian Lemon, Pam Logue, Ina Bratton, Rosie Millar and Ann Hartin during Lady Captain's Day at Portstewart Golf Club in May 2008
Sean McCarry from the Community Rescue Service presents the first prize to Agatha Mullan on 'Good Cause Day' at Portstewart Golf Club in August 2009. Also in the picture is Lady Captain Celine Harley
.Lady President Briege McKenna, Grace McDowell (Organiser of the Charity Competition), Diane McKay. Back Row (from Left) : Becky Lemon, Deirdre Stewart, Julie Corbett , Pauline Agnew, Jean Robinson (Lady Captain) pictured at the Ladies Open Day at Portstewart Golf Club in May 2008
Jean Robinson (lady capatin) pictured with Gillian Lemon, Pam Logue, Ina Bratton, Rosie Millar and Ann Hartin during Lady Captain's Day at Portstewart Golf Club in May 2008
Sean McCarry from the Community Rescue Service presents the first prize to Agatha Mullan on 'Good Cause Day' at Portstewart Golf Club in August 2009. Also in the picture is Lady Captain Celine Harley
.Lady President Briege McKenna, Grace McDowell (Organiser of the Charity Competition), Diane McKay. Back Row (from Left) : Becky Lemon, Deirdre Stewart, Julie Corbett , Pauline Agnew, Jean Robinson (Lady Captain) pictured at the Ladies Open Day at Portstewart Golf Club in May 2008
Julie Corbett and John Rowan pictured during captains day at Portstewart Golf Club in June 2009