Jack and Grace most popular baby names

The most popular names for babies in Northern Ireland this year were Jack and Grace, according to the Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency (NISRA).

This is the 10th time Jack has been the most popular name, holding the prime spot since 2003.

The second most popular name, James, has held second position for the third year running.

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Meanwhile, the third most popular, Charlie, has climbed from fifth in 2012.

For girls, the most popular name, Grace, has climbed up from being in third position in 2012.

Emily remained in second place this year and Sophie was ranked in third place, falling from first place in 2012.

Four of the top 10 boys’ names are still as popular today as they were in 2003. However, none of the girls’ names from the top 10 in 2003 remain in the top 10 for this year.

Outside of the most popular names, Jackson moved up the boys’ league by 50 places to make this year’s top 100.

And for girls the name Elsie moved up 60 places in their table.

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