Fine-tuning ‘Bounce Digital Radio’ plans
The revamped version of the Banbridge-based radio station will cover a much wider area as it will use the DAB+ platform – essentially a considerably more high-tech and far-reaching broadcasting service – to cover an area stretching from our borough to South Down, South Armagh and even Co. Lough!
A public meeting was held on Monday of last week in the community room of Tesco Extra at Bridgewater Park, and it was well attended by would-be volunteers who are very much ‘raring to go’, as ‘Bounce’ founder, Robin Murray explained: “The meeting was attended by over 20 people who were all enthusiastic about Bounce radio coming back again.
"Many of those attending commented on how many local people had told them they missed having a local radio station.
”Bounce has already received a grant from ABC Council for capital equipment, which was greatly appreciated.
"This will allow the new station to get the equipment necessary to run it in an environmentally-friendly way.
“The new radio station has been rebranded to ‘Bounce Digital Radio’.
“During the meeting it was outlined that the radio transmission would be broadcast on the DAB+ platform covering South Down, South Armagh and Louth.
"This will significantly increase the audience that the radio station is available to.
“A fundraising page has been set up to raise the necessary funds to keep the radio station broadcasting. A target has been set for £7,000 per annum, and the management committee would encourage all friends of the station to make a small donation, if possible.
Another meeting of the management committee is planned for early January 2024, and all new members are encouraged to come along and see if radio broadcasting is for them.
“Finally, a special thank you to Tesco and David McKay for making the Tesco community room available.”
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