Articlave Village Plan nearing completion

AS CONSULTATION on their five-year plan draws to a close, the people of Articlave are getting together for one last town meeting next week to “dot the i’s and cross the t’s”.

Articlave Community and Development Group has issued an invitation to local residents, business owners, groups and agencies to attend a Public Meeting to review the draft Articlave 5-year Plan.

Since the last public meeting in June, Alpha NI Ltd, has been consulting widely on the content of the document, however, before a final plan is produced, the consultants want to give local people another chance for their comments to be aired.

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Alpha is keen to hear from anyone with views on “the aims, vision and objectives of the Articlave Village Plan” and will be present on 7.00pm on Thursday, August 25th in the Mark Memorial Hall.

The Community and Development Group received financial support for the development of a village plan from the North East Rural Development Programme and Coleraine Borough Council as well as additional Council support in bringing the plan to fruition.

Following this month’s meeting, a final plan will be put in place and used to lobby for funds for village renewal and development.