Average house price is £149,000

The average house price in Coleraine, Limavady and North Coast area is £149,116 according to Ulster University’s latest Quarterly House Price Index survey.

The University research, presents a snapshot of the performance of the residential property market in Northern Ireland between July and September 2015.

The report indicates that the North Coast market reflects the overall picture of Northern Ireland, namely increased volume of transactions and higher average sale price over the year by6.1 per cent and by 1.9 per cent over the quarter. Performance by property type is however more variable with the average price of semi-detached bungalows at £116,032 and apartments £106,582 both lower over the year. Terraced/townhouses at £104,331 are up by 10 per cent, detached houses at £215,401 up by 7.3 per cent and detached bungalows at £160,507 up 12.9 per cent over the year.