Cigs sold to underage volunteer in test exercise

A TEST purchase exercise for the sale of cigarettes to those under the legal age of 18 was carried out by Lisburn Council in April, with two of the 16 premises tested selling cigarettes to the Council’s underage volunteer, it was reported at the recent Environmental Services Committee.

Members were provided with details of the exercise and an overview of any due diligence defence or mitigating circumstances directly related to the sales that had been made, together with Officers’ recommended actions.

In relation to the first case, it was proposed by Alderman James Tinsley, seconded by Deputy Mayor Margaret Tolerton and agreed to recommend that the business receive a formal caution, the employee who had sold the cigarettes receive a verbal warning and Officers ensure that appropriate measures were put in place to assist in preventing any such sales in future.

In relation to the second case it was agreed to recommend that the business receive a formal caution and that no action be taken in respect of the employee who had sold the cigarettes.