Do you want to grow your business

IS YOUR business is based within the Ballymena Borough?

Do you operate within the manufacturing or tradable services sector?

Is your turnover below the VAT threshold?

Do you have the desire to develop and grow your business?

If the answer is yes then you may be eligible to avail of the Ballymena Business Improvement Programme.

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This new programme will be delivered jointly by Ballymena Business Centre and the Northern Regional College and will be made available to 15 local businesses.

This unique programme will offer you and your business the following opportunities:

lBusiness Improvement Consultation

lBusiness Performance Review

lFull Business Assessment

lReview of Competitor and Market Opportunities

lReview of Growth Opportunities

lPerformance Improvement Plan

lUp to 18 hours of one-to-one mentoring support

The Ballymena Business Improvement Programme is supported with financial assistance from Ballymena Borough Council and part financed by the European Regional Development Fund under the European Sustainable Competitiveness Programme for Northern Ireland.

To register your interest contact Ballymena Business Centre on 028 25 658616 or email: [email protected] or download Expression of Interest Form by visiting:-