DoE to investigate river substance at Hilden

THE DEPARTMENT of the Environment say they will investigate a complaint about ‘white form’ in the River Lagan.

One woman who lives in Hilden contacted the Star after seeing foam and white liquid coming down the river.

“I am disgusted to see the River Lagan covered in foam and white liquid,” she said.

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“This has been a daily occurrence for the past few weeks but today I saw ducks covered in this substance.

“I took pictures from my home that clearly shows the white foam coming down the river and down the water fall.

“The Lagan Corridor was supposed to be cleaned up, I want to know is it harmful to the wildlife that lives in River?”

A spokesperson for the DoE saidthe white foam sometimes seen in the river is a natural substance and therefore not harmful.

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“Northern Ireland Environment Agency (NIEA) are aware of the occurrence of foam in the River Lagan,” the statement read.

“It has been determined that this is a natural occurrence caused by organic surfactants which are released from algae and plants when they die and begin to decompose.

“These organic surfactants are part of a large variety of plant material that when dissolved in water is referred to as dissolved organic carbon (DOC).

“Bogs and wetlands deliver large amounts of DOC to streams and lakes, particularly following heavy rain when increased foaming can occur downstream.

“NIEA staff have not however observed or received reports of a white liquid in the river at Hilden.

“They will now revisit the area and investigate this.”