Dromore church to hold public meeting

Dromore Reformed Presbyterian Church will on Friday (November 21) play host to a pubic meeting.

The meeting is being held as part of the ongoing programme of community outreach by the Brewery Lane church.

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Philip Bell, Chief Executive Officer of Creation Ministries International, will give an illustrated presentation entitled, ‘Back to the Beginning’.

David McCullough, minister of Dromore Reformed Presbyterian Church, said, “Sadly many people dismiss what the Bible says without ever having studied what it says.

“We are hoping that people will come along with their questions and get some real answers.”

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The minister went on to say, “Many people today imagine that science has done away

with God and that the opening book of the Bible is one giant myth.

“This presentation by Philip Bell will help the listener see that Genesis is no myth but in fact the only way we can ever understand this world in its beauty and brokeness.”

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The members of Dromore Reformed Presbyterian Church have been busy over the past weeks delivering an invitation to every home in the town.

Rev. McCullough added, “We hope that many will take up this opportunity to do some serious thinking about what God says about the world we live in, who we are and why Jesus Christ came into the world.”

The church in Brewery Lane extends a warm invitation to the whole community.

The meeting this Friday, November 21 will get underway at 8pm in the Dromore Reformed Presbyterian Church at Bewery Lane.

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