Elderly couple in Garvagh robbed by masked men with iron bars

East Derry MLA John Dallat has condemned what he described as an “horrific attack” on an elderly couple in Garvagh on Wednesday night.

A gang of five masked men, armed with iron bars and screwdrivers, robbed the couple in their home in the Lyttlesdale area. It is reported they claimed to be from a paramilitary organisation, ransacked the home and stole cash.

“While the couple was not physically harmed, this awful ordeal must have been absolutely horrific for them. Your home is supposed to be the one place you feel completely safe but, for this couple, that security has been snatched by cowards masquerading under a paramilitary guise who are fit only to prey on elderly, defenceless people,” said Mr Dallat.

“What has happened is disgusting, and I urge anyone who knows anything about this despicable attack to contact police. We cannot allow these thugs to get away with this.”

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