Farmers urged to be FarmSafe

The Farm Safety Partnership is calling on all farmers and their families to participate in FarmSafe Awareness following a recent survey which revealed the impact attendance has made in raising awareness and in helping to support change on the farm.

George Lucas, Chair of the Farm Safety Partnership said, “We are very encouraged by the findings. An overwhelming 98% of respondents indicated that attending FarmSafe Awareness provided motivation for change on the farm and that they were likely to take workshop information home and do something about it.”

Mr Lucas continued, “When asked about changes made since attending, a very encouraging 2,700 actions were recorded from taking time to plan work in advance to improve safety when working with slurry and equipment.” FarmSafe Awareness is open to farmers and farm families aged 17 and over. Attendance is by registration (so suitable facilities can be arranged). For further information contact FarmSafe Awareness on 0845 026 7536 or Email: [email protected]

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