Find a perfect gift

Mother’s Day is all about showing our appreciation to the greatest woman of all, our own mum. It’s our opportunity to say thank you for dinners, packed lunches, trips to doctors and dentists, Saturday morning messages, clean clothes and ironed pants, for mums late night taxis and just for being mum.

So this Mother’s Day you need to put the effort in! Flowers, chocolates and cards all go down nicely but for a big difference stray beyond the nearest garage or pre packed supermarket assortment. Show you care more than just a click on some anonymous website and visit your local businesses in Lisburn City Centre to get all that you need: great gifts, beautiful flowers, custom cards, jewellery to make others jealous or even treat mum to a pampering in a local salon or day spa.

Most important of all there’s nothing a mother wants more than to spend time with her children on Mother’s Day! So what better way to spend time with the family than at one of our city’s restaurants – just one word of warning make sure you don’t leave mum to pick up the bill.

Visit for gift ideas and for exclusive restaurant offers.