Historical Bible Exhibition at Hebron Church

In over 40 brilliantly illustrated panels an exhibition at Hebron Free Presbyterian Church in Ballymoney will present the history of the Bible, and explain how it has impacted upon the life and history of the nation.

The exhibition focuses on Christianity, and brings home to all the message of the Bible, and how it has formed the basis of our moral and legal establishment for over 2000 years.

From Alfred the Great through to the 20th century, there has been much discovered information about many people and events that have shaped the nation. Examples of only ‘some’ of the people and events that are highlighted are:

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14th Century: John Wycliffe and the Lollards, 15th Century: Erasmus and the Greek text, 15th & 16th Centuries: Martin Luther, 16th Century: William Tyndale and his part in making the Bible available in our own English language. Previously it had only been able to be read by those who could understand Latin. 17th Century: The Authorised Version of the Bible, in 1611. 18th Century: The Great Awakenings. Family life in the 19th Century and great preachers, such as Charles Haddon Spurgeon and J. C. Ryle.

There was so much it is totally impossible to mention everything, but alongside the panels there are numerous actual historical artefacts, including Large Family Bibles and small ‘Finger’ Bibles, the latter being very often favoured by Victorian ladies. A clay tablet with cuneiform writing, parchments, a replica of Tyndales New Testament of 1526, and a very rare and valuable copy of ‘The Great Bible’ dated somewhere in the 1540′s.

Of particular interest is a copy of a Family Bible, originally belonging to Derek Carver from Brighton. He was one of the Lewes Martyrs, burnt at the stake on the 22nd of July, 1555. Perhaps the most well-known of the Lewes Martyrs, he was burnt in a beer barrel in the centre of Lewes during the reign of Mary Tudor, known as Bloody Mary, for his Protestant beliefs. At his ‘examination’ (trial) in St Mary’s Church-Over-the- Water (now Southwark Anglican Cathedral, he is said to have exclaimed to his examiners, “Your doctrine is poison and sorcery, ye say ye can make a god, ye can only make a pudding.” Thus he, and a number of others went to their death, upholding the honour of Christ, refusing to recant, and declaring those truths for which many more were to die in Mary Tudor’s reign.

The exhibition may be viewed to Friday 10th June 2.00pm to 5.00pm and 7.00pm to 9.00pm. Everyone welcome.