It must have been some hangover

OVER the years there have been many suggestions for a cure to a hangover.

But one from The Medical Adviser, December 1823, published in the ‘MAIL’ in January 1967 takes some beating.

It read as follows:

“As far as the paroxysm of drunkeness is sometimes so excessive as to produce apoplexy the following is useful - let the patient be placed in a chair, supporting his head, and then administer a glass full of best vinegar, rubbing his temples gently with a little of the same. If the good effect be not seen in ten minutes other means must be employed.

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“If the patient is in the first stage of the fit, that is if his face be red and his skin hot, let him be stripped and have a pail of water showered on him three feet above his head. This may be repeated three of four times.

“If this does not produce a full effect give 30 grains of ipecacuanha. Let it be particularly observed that if the eyes are fixed and red and the breathing difficult send immediately for a surgeon.

“Should the patient be in the last stage, namely paleness of countenance and cold skin, use no cold water but content yourself with rubbing his temples and nostrils with vinegar and give him the ipecacuanha, as above, with warm water or tea.

“In cases where from bravado, madness and the like a great portion of strong spirits is suddenly drunk and the person suddenly falls senseless, every means must be tried to get into him a quart or two of warm water (or cold if warm cannot be immediately procured), tea, coffee, milk or even weak beer so as to dilute, as soon as possible, the spirits taken.

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“If the patient vomits the contents of the stomach then there are hopes of recovery. He should be put in bed and whey given in short quantities for 24 hours.”

It must have been some hangover!

Note - ipecacuanha has a history of being used to empty the stomach in cases of poisoning.