Crucial issue of public safety

Roger HeathWestern Road, Newick

Adequate warning of speed limits are undoubtedly necessary as Joan Gayler states in her letters (Middy July 28, June 21) but are of little use unless enforced as she rightly avers.

It is, perhaps, a damning indictment of the responsible authorities who fail to implement enforcement and the huge number of drivers who ignore the limits.

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Of equal concern is the failure of the general public thus threatened, to address this problem by protesting en masse for remedial action.

The Middy has a long established reputation for reporting public concern on many issues in our part of Sussex and is, presumably, widely read in its area of distribution.

If this is so, the abysmal response, via your columns, to this lady’s letters speaks volumes regarding public indifference to an issue that affects us all. ‘To remain silent and indifferent is the greatest sin of all.’ This observation of many years ago on an unrelated subject is, surely, applicable to this crucial issue of public safety.

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