Cemetery rules need to be upheld by council

ON a recent visit to Lisburn Cemetery Blaris Extension I noticed a recently erected memorial headstone and surround.

Lisburn City Council are responsible for the upkeep of the cemetery and when anyone wants to erect a headstone and surround they have to apply for permission to do so and there are very strict rules stated in the information booklet which is supplied when one purchases a grave plot.

This information states that headstones have to be certain heights and the bases of surrounds have to be of certain widths and depths.

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This memorial clearly contravenes those rules. So why was permission granted for such a memorial as this to be erected when everyone else has to abide by the rules laid down by the council.

On the other hand, if permission has not been granted why was it not stopped from being erected?

I feel everyone has the right to respect the dead in their own way as I do myself, but I feel Lisburn Council needs to get a grip on the situation.

Please Take Control