The Lisburn that I know is neutral

CAN I reply to the letter about the UDR memorial in which the writer claimed it will stand as an insult to Irish nationalists.

First of all, I do not need a history lesson about Lisburn and rest assured I am not ignorant, so please let the letter writer get their facts straight.

I know about the so called Irish patriots the writer speaks of, but I choose to forget them and move on in life and not look back. I take it the writer does not want to move on, and that’s up to them.

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But let me ask you this? Is the money you use Euros or Sterling?

If you are so troubled by the memorials you see, why don’t you put forward an idea to have a memorial to the Irish patriots you seem to feel so strongly about?

As for the UDR memorial, it will not insult decent Catholic people. I go into Lisburn all the time and no-one has ever said to me ‘go away you’re a Catholic’.

I don’t know what part of Lisburn you come from, but the Lisburn I come from is neutral.

Unfortunately some people are so small minded they would take their money elsewhere. So be it. I feel sorry for you.

Get Over Yourself

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