West Street in CarrickfergusWest Street in Carrickfergus
West Street in Carrickfergus

Here’s how you can see more of your local breaking news as it happens

We are committed to bringing you the latest local news direct to your computer or digital device

In print, online and on social media we pride ourselves on serving our community with great content.

Many of our readers access our content via their Facebook News Feed and now there is an easy way to find more of our content on Facebook.

By making our Facebook pages ‘Favourite’, our content will appear higher in your news feed meaning you’ll never miss a beat of the big breaking stories.

You can also set up notifications so you will get an alert every time we publish a post, a video, or go live with a video stream.

The good news is that making our page a Favourite takes just a few seconds and is really easy to do.

If you don’t want to miss out on any of our news coverage, simply follow the steps explained in the photos below.

The images below show the News Letter facebook page but the process is the same for all our local titles.

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