Officers, associates and chaplain of First Stewartstown Girls' Brigade alone with Guests of Honours, Mrs Jennifer Hagan and Rev Matthew Hagan.Officers, associates and chaplain of First Stewartstown Girls' Brigade alone with Guests of Honours, Mrs Jennifer Hagan and Rev Matthew Hagan.
Officers, associates and chaplain of First Stewartstown Girls' Brigade alone with Guests of Honours, Mrs Jennifer Hagan and Rev Matthew Hagan.

In pictures: First Stewartstown Girls’ Brigade annual parents night

The McNeece Memorial Hall in Stewartstown was recently filled to capacity for the 47th Annual Parents Night of Stewartstown Girls’ Brigade.

The company still attracts a large number of girls from the surrounding area and some 70 girls and 15 leaders turned out smartly in full uniform.

The special guest was Mrs Jennifer Hagan, former captain of the company. Following the fall in of the company, Rev Alan Dickey opened the evening with prayer and led the audience in the hymn, “My Heart is Filled with Thankfulness”.

The Explorer section opened the evening with ‘Welcome’. They also displayed their PE skills in ‘L.O.V.E’. The Tiny Tots delighted all with their acting and singing in the items, ‘Farmer Duck’ and ‘God is ….’. whilst the Junior Section loved displaying their line dancing skills and miming to ‘You’re the King of Me!’

The Senior and Brigader sections got a laugh for their ‘Lesser Spotted Stewartstown’ sketch about our own local celebrities. They combined their movement to music and singing talents in ‘Can’t Stop the Beat’. The Finale performed by the Seniors and Brigaders entitled ‘Only a Holy God’ reminded the audience that God is Forever a Holy God and challenged everyone to Come and Worship this Holy God.

The Captain, on behalf of the company, welcomed Mr Harry McCormick and his family to present a cup in memory of his wife Pearl and extended the Company’s thanks and appreciation to them for this kind gesture. Pearl was the highly respected and talented second captain of the Company. The cup was presented to Leah Brodison.

The Explorer section opened the evening with ‘Welcome’. They also displayed their PE skills in ‘L.O.V.E’. The Tiny Tots delighted all with their acting and singing in the items, ‘Farmer Duck’ and ‘God is ….’. whilst the Junior Section loved displaying their line dancing skills and miming to ‘You’re the King of Me!’

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