Darren Nichol WM Skeogh RBP 1072 and Steven Clarke WM Skeogh LOL 861Darren Nichol WM Skeogh RBP 1072 and Steven Clarke WM Skeogh LOL 861
Darren Nichol WM Skeogh RBP 1072 and Steven Clarke WM Skeogh LOL 861

Skeogh RBP 1072 celebrates 100th aniversary

Skeogh RBP 1072 recently celebrated their 100-year anniversary in Skeogh Orange Hall.

The warrant for the Preceptory was issued on October 31, 1921 with first meeting being held on December 1, 1921.

The Preceptory had hoped to celebrate the occasion last year, however due to the covid pandemic the anniversary dinner was postponed until this year

Those who enjoyed a three-course meal included Imperial, County and District Officers Sr Knights of Skeogh RBP 1072, Sr Knights of neighbouring preceptories, members of Skeogh Flute Band and guests.

Several presentations were made on the night to Steven Clarke WM Skeogh LOL 861, David Meeke WM Skeogh RAPC 861, and Mark Cochrane on behalf of Skeogh Flute Band.

During the evening the sad news of the passing of Queen Elizabeth was announced and as a mark of respect a moment of silence was observed.

The evening ended with several speeches congratulating the preceptory on reaching this milestone in their history.