Amy Kinnear, Club PRO, explained: “With the intention of brightening up our countryside we have designed these rainbows as part of the YFCU ‘chase the rainbow’ challenge in the hope to bring peace and positivity not only to Bleary but to the rest of the rural community.
“As part of this, we sent out letters to our local care homes to show the most vulnerable that we care.
“During these difficult times in isolation, residents of the care homes would be reassured that the local community is doing everything they can to make life better and more enjoyable for everyone. We hope to show them that we are trying to spread a positive message.
“Remember you are not alone, rainbows follow the rain and we have to trust that we will get through this together.
“We wish to take this opportunity to thank all frontline workers in the NHS and other key workers at this tough time, we are very appreciative of all that they do.”