£45,000 traffic calming scheme

Transport Minister Danny Kennedy has announced that improvements to implement a £45,000 traffic calming scheme for Donaghcloney are set to get underway in January.

The improvement scheme will see the introduction of ramps, speed cushions and a pedestrian island.

Whilst the Department’s resource budget for activities such as routine maintenance is severely reduced, funding for this scheme is from the capital budget for major projects and new road schemes which is less affected by the current pressures.

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Mr Kennedy said: “Following extensive consultation with the community in Donaghcloney, this improvement scheme is now set to get underway.

“It will help reduced the speed of traffic and improve road safety in the area.”

Local company Gibson Brothers Banbridge Limited, who won the contract for the scheme, are scheduled to begin work towards the end of January.

To help ensure the safety of road users and contractors temporary traffic management measures will be in place.

For traffic information and news of improvement schemes across Northern Ireland visit: www.trafficwatchni.com