£700 presented to Strabane and Foyle Parkinson’s Fund

Jean McGinley, Lady President of Strabane Golf Club, presents a cheque of £700 raised for the Strabane and Foyle area Parkinson's Fund. 
Included in the picture are: Betty Devine, Caroline McMahon, Laura Smyth, Jack Glenn, Liz McKittrick and Nora Colhoun.Jean McGinley, Lady President of Strabane Golf Club, presents a cheque of £700 raised for the Strabane and Foyle area Parkinson's Fund. 
Included in the picture are: Betty Devine, Caroline McMahon, Laura Smyth, Jack Glenn, Liz McKittrick and Nora Colhoun.
Jean McGinley, Lady President of Strabane Golf Club, presents a cheque of £700 raised for the Strabane and Foyle area Parkinson's Fund. Included in the picture are: Betty Devine, Caroline McMahon, Laura Smyth, Jack Glenn, Liz McKittrick and Nora Colhoun.
Members of Strabane Golf Club have presented £700 to the local Parkinson’s Disease fund.

Jean McGinley, Lady President of Strabane Golf Club, presented the cheque to the Strabane and Foyle Parkinson’s Fund.

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Included in the picture are: Betty Devine, Caroline McMahon, Laura Smyth, Jack Glenn, Liz McKittrick and Nora Colhoun.

The presentation took place at the Irish Street Community Centre.

To find out what’s happening near you, to obtain information and support or to get involved in fundraising visit the Parkinson’s UK website at www.parkinsons.org.uk/content/northern-ireland