Railway Street Presbyterian Church Harvest Thanksgiving Services

‘The Lord of the harvest is at work’ was the theme for a weekend of Harvest Thanksgiving celebrations at Railway Street Presbyterian Church on Saturday 11th and Sunday 12th October.
Stephen Johnston (Guest Preacher) pictured with his wife Fiona and their children Andrew and James at the Harvest Thanksgiving Service in Railway Street Presbyterian Church on Sunday morning 12th October.  Stephen is currently taking part in the Presbyterian Church in Ireland Accredited Training Scheme.Stephen Johnston (Guest Preacher) pictured with his wife Fiona and their children Andrew and James at the Harvest Thanksgiving Service in Railway Street Presbyterian Church on Sunday morning 12th October.  Stephen is currently taking part in the Presbyterian Church in Ireland Accredited Training Scheme.
Stephen Johnston (Guest Preacher) pictured with his wife Fiona and their children Andrew and James at the Harvest Thanksgiving Service in Railway Street Presbyterian Church on Sunday morning 12th October. Stephen is currently taking part in the Presbyterian Church in Ireland Accredited Training Scheme.

The speaker at a harvest breakfast on Saturday morning (11th October) and the harvest thanksgiving service on Sunday morning (12th October) was Stephen Johnston, a Railway Street elder, who is currently taking part in the Presbyterian Church in Ireland Accredited Training Scheme.

The speaker at the harvest thanksgiving service on Sunday evening (12th October) was Pastor Freddie McClaughlin (Portstewart).

The harvest thanksgiving praise was led by the Railway Street Praise Band and also by Ian Menown who presided at the organ for the concluding well known harvest hymn, ‘Come ye thankful people come’.