Royal Mail encourages missing people to get in touch this Christmas

Royal Mail has created a freepost address – ‘Freepost Missing People’ – for those who are missing to attempt to make contact with their families through the charity.

The address has been set up in time for the festive season, when many people think about their families and loved ones.

Getting back in touch with friends and relatives after a period away can be hard.

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The new system is a simple way for missing people to send a message, with the option of doing so without the possibility of being traced.

In addition, to mark the one-year anniversary of its partnership with Missing People, Royal Mail is contributing £50,000 to fund the national Child Rescue Alert system.

Royal Mail will be funding the Child Rescue Alert service for a year, starting from January 2016. An alert is issued when a child is known to have been abducted or when their life is believed to be at immediate risk. It will ensure the operation of a 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year system, for one year. The specific criteria and urgent nature of Child Rescue Alerts means that the charity’s expert helpline team must be trained and ready to issue an alert at any time.