‘Serious problem’ with hospital buses

SINN Fein councillor Margaret Anne McKillop is calling on Translink to look at the “serious problem” with connecting buses to the major hospitals from the Glens area.

She said: “People in rural areas within Moyle especially in the Glens are experiencing real problems with trying to keep hospital appointments due to a lack of connecting buses.

“At present there are more people being referred to Mid-Ulster and with some clinics only doing early morning appointments it is impossible to get there by bus. With a lot of elderly who have free bus buses it is not convenient for them with these ongoing problems. These problems are resulting in a lot of people being out of pocket due to having to get a private taxi or pay someone to take them.

“If you cancel an appointment there is usually a six week delay in getting another one. This is a very serious problem and needs to be tackled sooner rather than later.”