Special celebration held at Corrymeela

The Corrymeela Community held a special celebration event on Saturday 16 January, 2016 to mark the end of their Heritage Lottery funded project, '˜Contact, Culture and Conflict around the Causeway. The project explored the period of the Ulster Plantations and supported community groups to learn more about the complexity of this period. Participants were from a variety of groups across Northern Ireland.

This was an innovative partnership with Belfast City Council, Causeway Museum Service, Queen’s University, Belfast and Ulster University. The project explored the period of the Ulster Plantations and supported community groups to engage with new archaeological evidence through interactive site visits across North East Ulster.

Participants also got the opportunity to handle the special collection of 17th century objects held by the Universities and Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council. Helen Perry from the Causeway Coast & Glens Borough Council added, “The project has reinforced the importance of our collections in supporting good relations and community dialogue work, which moving forward is absolutely essential”.