Text your news and views to us on 84555

n After reading Mr Calvert's broadside to Craigavon Council it mirrored annoyance I had with the council, an estate agent and private seller. Regarding the development of the new community centre beside the leisure centre. We bought a house in Hillcrest after being mislead by all parties. A key selling point of the property was open view. At the first viewing we were told a community centre was to be built near - at the access road. I asked a direct question 'Is there going to be a build

n Ref the mystery houses - Are these here to monitor moths etc?

n I think the strange houses are bird feeders! Jo.

n I think its CCTV hopefully to keep an eye on certain people.

n Should people be allowed to keep dogs in their back yards\gardens in an estate when they bark incessantly? "Suffering Neighbour".

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