The event marked successes of the Under 14 Girls, Under 16 Girls, U17 Boys and last year’s win by the Ladies Minor Team as well as the Ballad group who are County Champions.
Please note: we apologise that some of the images have been cropped for web purposes.
. The Ballad Group
Lord Mayor, Cllr Paul Greenfield with the Ballad Group winners of the Armagh heat of Scor Na Nog taking them through to the Ulster Final. Photo: Edward Byrne
1. Celebration time
Lord Mayor, Cllr Paul Greenfield pictured with Clan Na Gael secretary Paul O'Hagan and Clan Na Gael stalwart Jimmy Smyth at the reception in Craigavon Civic Centre for Clan Na Gael Junior and Minor teams to celebrate their successes. Photo: Edward Byrne
2. Minor Championship success
Lord Mayor, Councillor Paul Greenfield with winners of the Minor Championship with their coaches, included are CouncillorsEamon McNeill, Kevin Savage and Liam Mackle. Photo: Paul Byrne
3. The Ladies Minor team
The Ladies Minor team with their coaches, the Lord Mayor, Councillor Paul Greenfield and Councillors Eamon McNeill, Kevin Savage and Liam Mackle. Photo: Paul Byrne
4. U16 team
Lord Mayor, Cllr Paul Greenfield pictured at the civid reception with the U16 team winners of the U16 Division League and Championship, with their coaches. Also included are Councillors Eamon McNeill, Kevin Savage and Liam Mackle. Photo: Edward Byrne