Showing off their medals at the end of the Mayor's School Sports DayShowing off their medals at the end of the Mayor's School Sports Day
Showing off their medals at the end of the Mayor's School Sports Day

The Mayor of Lisburn and Castlereagh has held a successful sports day for local young people

The Mayor, Councillor Andrew Gowan, welcomed over 70 children from Beechlawn, Brookfield, Longstone, Parkview and Tor Bank Schools to Lagan Valley LeisurePlex recently to take part in a fun packed day of sport organised by the council’s Sports Development Team.

Parents, carers and teachers were cheering loudly from the sidelines as the pupils gave their all in a range of team sports, bean bag races, sprints, relay races, obstacle courses, boccia and new age kurling.

Addressing the young participants, Mayor of Lisburn & Castlereagh, Councillor Andrew Gowan, said: “Today has been one of the most enjoyable days of my Mayoral term so far.

"I have been so impressed with everyone taking part. I love the energy, the focus and the determination I see in all of you.

"Most importantly I hope you had great fun. Thank you all for coming today and for making our sports day such a success.”

Mrs Claire Devine, from Brookfield Special School, added: “It is really important that children with additional needs can experience the physical, social and mental health benefits that come with sporting activities.

"Today has been a great example of the impact this can have. I want to thank the Mayor and the Council for arranging this wonderful event. I can feel the excitement and the positivity among the young people here. Everyone is going home with a smile on their face, which is proof of a good day out!”

The Mayor presented the young people with medals and goody bags during a special presentation.