Seeing the Ulster Orchestra live is an unmissable experience.Seeing the Ulster Orchestra live is an unmissable experience.
Seeing the Ulster Orchestra live is an unmissable experience.

Events where you can see the Ulster Orchestra live in Northern Ireland this year

The Ulster Orchestra is based in Belfast and was formed in 1966, currently being the only full-time orchestra in Northern Ireland, playing the majority of their concerts in the Waterfront and Ulster Hall.

The orchestra has a mission to enrich the lives of those living in Northern Ireland, with 63 full-time musicians establishing themselves as one of the major symphony orchestras in the United Kingdom.

They bring some of the most stunning music to the citizens of Northern Ireland and hold many different events throughout the year, giving people the opportunity to see and hear the amazing orchestra for themselves.

Here are some of the events the Ulster Orchestra are taking part in this year.

Here are some of the events the Ulster Orchestra are taking part in this year.