DPP visit to Ahoghill W.I

AT THE April meeting of Ahoghill Women's Institute, chaired by Vice President Dorothy Wilson, After Marbeth Hill delivered a comprehensive report of the W.I. AGM

Members were then introduced to Peter Greenshields (PSNI) from the District Police Partnership. He was accompanied by Ruth Orr and Mary Cruickshank and an interesting exchange of information, views and experiences made for a thought provoking evening.

The competition for an unusual egg cup was won by Mamie Greer, the best three cup cakes was won by Yvonne Crabbe and Mamie Greer won best corsage. Mary Kernohan won best photograph. New member, Pearl Campbell, was welcomed to the meeting and Mamie Greer proposed a vote of thanks. After a delicious supper the meeting closed with the singing of the County Woman's song.