59 letters of objection to borough housing plan

FIFTY nine letters of objection were lodged with planners in relation to a proposed 190 dwelling housing development in the Charlotte Street/Balnamore Road area of Ballymoney for Landbank Homes Ltd.

Objections centred on flooding; overlooking other properties; traffic impact; sewer capacity and the density of the overall development.

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The plans involve 88 and 90 Charlotte Street and south of Charlotte Street, Ballymoney and the proposed housing development is for 55 townhouses, 110 semi-detached homes and 25 detached houses.

When the case came before Ballymoney Council, planners were of the opinion to approve the development.

Councillor Evelyne Robinson (DUP) expressed concerns and points included the number of objectors, adequacy of bin storage and upkeep of amenity and undeveloped spaces.

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Councillors also raised concerns at developments on flood plains and traffic calming measures.

The Planning officer confirmed that Rivers Agency has been consulted and have agreed with the recommendation to approve and that traffic impact assessment submitted to Roads Service has been accepted.

The meeting was told the application has been subjected to a planning appeal and has been allowed.

Councillors asked for an office meeting on behalf of objectors.